On Saturday May 4th, NSSLHA hosted an event to social with Peer 1 on 1 in Cal State university in Long Beach. The purpose of this event was to give autistic youths a chance to meet their college peers that major in Speech Pathology.
There were 20 ASD people call for signing up to come. We limited to 15. People living as far as the city of Irvine came to this event. The event was an instant success from the start, and kids were happy with and appreciate the friendship from NSSLHA. Also, a faculty member—Dr. Daughrity, who specializes in social skill groups for kids with autism also come attended the social! We are so grateful that she was able to make it!
We hope that more volunteers and autistic youths will join us and participate in activities in the future. Thanks to NSSLHA-National Student Speech Language Hearing Association in Cal State University-Long Beach.